Occupy Is An Inside Job MIRROR


Occupy Is An Inside Job MIRROR

The world is divorce yourself from it!
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indie media eastcoast said...

Awesomeness... I am a huge fan of Dom ... I have been happy to expose Occupy for a long time .. thanks for this link .. since I'm off FB I'm outta the loop now .. you can only imagine the shock and horror of watching Cari-Lee Miller as Raven Wombman weigh in out here on Occupy NB that I WAS AN AGENT PROVOCATEUR.. For Fuck's Sake... what the hell .. we are 'awake' so why are some of us sticking knives in others' backs? I forgive.. but .. seriously ... I didn't need that .. tell her I forgive her tho .. it wasn't Occupy NB who banned me from their wall .. it was Occupy Fredericton .. a bunch of noobs who made up lies and didn't like critical thinkers posting on their walls [for the record, I never Occupied anywhere, except my PC] .. but hey, I'm paying attention and blogging about this stuff... like we all should... I support truthers .. not those helping the NWO.. Sally Cunliffe, NB awake and aware chic

Unknown said...

Yeah we are planning an eastern Canada trip! Will keep you informed!